Thursday, February 3, 2011

5 Worst Jersey Mistakes

In anticipation of the many typos and grammatical errors I expect to make in my entries on this blog, I thought I would submit my first entry to the Jersey Club as the 5 worst jersey mistakes to make it to a professional game (yes by mistakes I mean typos, not buying a regrettable jersey).

Starting it off at number 5. San Francicso Between the two names on this jersey you think the more likely mistake would come with the player's name Eugenio Velez. But let's give Majestic the benefit of the doubt.  The Giants weren't always in San Fancisco, they used to play in New York, oh that was back in 1957? When did this happen? April 2010?  Well 1 out of 25 players isn't bad.

4.  LA Angees! This one isn't really that bad, in fact I like the sound of if it, sounds like a nick name, plus when your team name is as long as the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim your bound to screw up one of them.

3.  Nayv? one might be the worst, only because it's inexcusable.  First of all, they screwed up 25% of the name.  Secondly, it's the NAVY.  Good thing is they are still in college and still have time to learn how to spell the name of the school they go to.  I bet those Army boys are having a good chuckle at this.

2. The Grate One. Oh man, there is just no good reason for this.  It's the great one, and you screw up his jersey?  This is a classic mistake that you might expect if you were to buy a knock off from China (which we will discuss in future posts).  There is a better pic of this somewhere on the internet and I encourage you all to go look for it.  I'm sorry if this one mad you sad, I can only offer this to cheer you up.

And finally #1. don't even know where to begin.  This to a Toronto sports fan is blasphemy.  I'm going to point fingers straight at the Atlanta Braves.  First you hang the flag upside down in '92 and now this in '94?  You say Torontno, I saw Torontyes.

Maybe one day I will compile the best jersey typo this.  Until then, here's a sneak peak at one that will be in the top 5.

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