Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's day from the Jersey McClub.

Here's a post about some Irish Jerseys. 

The leafs typically "sham"rock the St. Pat's jersey on this day, but normally they aren't in a heated playoff race, so hopefully they are focused on tonight's game and don't "irish car" bomb tonight like they did against Tampa.

The NCAA tournament tips off today, and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish are a high #2 seed in their part of the bracket, as if college students needed more of a reason to drink.

Now for some Jerseys that are actually from Ireland.
I learned about Hurling when I was in Ireland, and wished that they tried to bring it to North America.  Here's some background reading. 
Here are a few of the jerseys from Limerick, Cork, Leitrim
I would proudly wear one of these Jerseys, especially that Cork one in the middle. These have everything you could ask for, league emblem, fit like a shirt, and each team has an awesome club crest.  Look at some of these crests.

The beauty of a crest is that no matter what the club chooses to do with the jersey design the crests will always be the same.  Tradition is a common theme is some of my favorite jerseys.  

That's about all the Irish jerseys I can think of other then the Boston Celtics, but that's pretty obvious.  Everyone enjoy your stouts and array of drinks with the name bomb in them and don't forget to do a couple McNultys

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