Monday, June 27, 2011

Jersey Club Quarterly Report

We're about halfway through 2011 and so far, the Jersey Club has handed out six pristine, stitched, real jerseys. Here they are:

1. Andy

The club further customized this baby with a 1994 Stanley Cup patch. Just as Mark Messier guaranteed victory, the Jersey Club guarantees perfection and authenticity which is basically as close to victory as one can get when talking about jerseys. This is a beautiful and timeless piece that any human would be lucky to have in his or her closet next to their tuxedos.

2. Phil

Phil is in Calgary shooting AMC's upcoming "Hell On Wheels" TV show so he wanted a jersey that he could wear to rile up cowboys in the various stables found in the city's downtown core. He opted for an Atlanta Flames Brad Marsh jersey, which tells the people of Calgary that he has no respect for the city and is willing to fuck shit up without wearing a helmet.

3. Glenn

Bo knows everything, Jersey Club knows jerseys, beers and handshakes. I've been fascinated with the career of Bo Jackson for a couple of years now and between dreaming about traveling back in time to Medieval times and easily becoming a king because I brought a gun with me, I'd dream about what sports would be like had Bo not had the hip of a 90 year old woman. This jersey encapsulates these dreams in physical form and I was very happy with this classic powder blue. The Royals haven't changed their logo or lettering in forever, which proves that you shouldn't mess with simplicity.

4, 5 and 6 - Scott T., Scott Y. and Chuck

We were very excited to participate in triple presentation this past weekend to celebrate the births and jerseys of three deserving gentlemen. For a second straight year, Scott T. opted for the freestyle option, meaning the club had the right to choose any jersey they wanted. We went with a Larry Bird, which has been described by many as "The most beautiful thing in the world". You can argue with the current Celtics lineup but you can't argue with their aesthetic and when you add that number 33 and the name BIRD (which is the best last name for a basketball player) on the back it becomes something special.

Scott Y. had a Pat Borders Jays on his list and since there's an unwritten jersey club rule that every member must possess a jersey from the Jays World Series teams of the early nineties, we decided to pull the trigger. These Jays jerseys are simply stunning and it's the hope of the club that the team will go back to these designs once they realized that their current logo looks like it was written in toothpaste.

We got Chuck a very nice Ryan Braun that matches a hat he owns. Great side patch, great stitching and a helluva ballplayer make this jersey the perfect summertime shirt. This was a refreshing jersey since most that have been presented over the last 1.5 years have been vintage. Legend has it that if you wear this jersey in any Milwaukee household, the home owner is obliged to feed you beer and sausages and send you on your way with provisions including beef jerky and Bazooka Joe gum.

Six jerseys down, six to go! Stay tuned for the latest and start thinking about your choice for Jersey of the Year. This year a fan choice category may be added.

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